Celebrating abundance

August 2020 - Yesterday afternoon while I was in the garden, I looked up and noticed that the tops of the maple trees were starting to change color. The deep greens of early summer were giving way to the warmer tones of late August. I didn’t want to let this season pass without celebrating its abundance. We’ve accomplished a lot this summer, but sometimes we get caught up the doing, rather than the being. So with a half-painted shed, I sent a message to a handful of women inviting them to a last minute wine tasting after those of us with little ones had tucked them into bed. Bring your favorite bottle of wine was the only instruction. Everyone came, eager for the opportunity to dress up and enjoy an evening outdoors. I set out some light bites and a few sweet treats. We opened almost every bottle and sat surrounded by summer’s canopy of stars and sunflowers.


Golden blur


Garden journal - July 2020